Friday, May 29

Weirdest Dream in a long time

Right so basically after not posting here in goodness knows how long I'm going to post about a dream. Don't like it? Deal with it!

So basically the Dream starts off with me boarding a double decker bus on my way home from school. Nothing wrong with that you say? Wrong. My bus route has never had a double decker, wanna know why? Two slightly low bridges along the route prevent that from even being a possibility. Okay back to the dream. Next I sat down on the the top of the double decker and it was packed. Then one of the twins that I know appeared out of no where and started to chat with me. But when this happened everyone else on the top deck of the bus disappeared. Weird. Anyway she then commenced to ask me something about Drums. Which would be fine if it weren't for what she said. She asked about something that happened at the last drum practise. Yet she hasn't been to practise for weeks. Weird again. Now, before this I had a slightly weird dream where I bought a bottle of Vimto from a corner shop I have never seen before. (and in fact doesn't exist) I went to open this on the bus and found it was water. And then trying to make conversation with my friend started to explain how I had bought Vimto yet currently held water. Which failed as it sounded like I was pissed off my head. Now for the final act of weird before me waking up. As I mentioned before my friend is a twin. Seconds after my failed attempt at explaining the Vimto her twin came and sat beside me. In her hand she held a envelope and started to right on it my name then my brothers name and then "and family". I open the envelope and the dream is other as I have woke up. Now the weird part of that is there is no reason for her to have been giving me a card, also the fact that she appeared out of nowhere, also the fact that I have NEVER seen them ride on the bus because they live a short walk away from school.

So what do y'all think? Is there some kinda message my mind is trying to give me?
I will admit that I have had a crush on the first twin in the past if that helps with any message theories. Please tell me your thoughts (if possible via Twitter (My current Twitter is: TheAlphaSpyke))

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