"I believe that the Sonic games are just as good as, if not better than, they have always been. The original Sonic games (Sonic 1, 2 and 3+K) have lasted my life time and I find them fun to play still. Adventure 1 & 2 I can't cast an opinion on as I haven't played them. All of the most recent games I have found fun (only exception being '06 since I couldn't grasp the controls and found it frustrating). Personally the fact that SEGA make more characters and think up new gimmicks makes me want to play the new ones more. Sure some of the Gimmicks didn't turn out well for some but the actual games are as good as ever. The 2 most recent gimmicks, Sonic Unleashed (Were-hog) and Sonic and the Black Knight (Sonic with a Sword) work. In Black Knight they got the gimmick to gameplay ratio right as it feels natural to play the game. Unleashed however they over done the gimmick in my opinion. They included to many Werehog levels for my liking which took the enjoyment away slightly. But that doesn't mean I want them to avoid the gimmicks. By them making new games with different gimmicks it keeps true fans of the entire Sonic franchise on their toes as to what will happen next. It also keeps the franchise fresh and fun to play. If they had continued creating games like the originals then people would be complaining that they are all the same. You can't win with some people. But SEGA have coped for those who want games like the originals with the majority of the handheld games like the Sonic Advance and Sonic Rush games. These stick true to the originals so anyone who complains about the gimmicks go play these games because they are so close to the originals you could easily mistake them for just having upto date graphics."
I got right in there when writing it because my heart was in it.
Anyway I have been talking to the lovely Alex today and just thought of something I can leave you pondering about. Why are Hiccups so Annoying?
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